Page 4
Just as a reminder, AL is not suited for kids… some gore and nude scenes may happen :p. Oops, I should’ve mentioned this before this page :-s.
I re-worked way too many times the first shot….yeah, that “shot”!…*te-he he heh…. *shrugs*. Aanyway, previously the approach was different, but in the end what matters is the pacing when you work over your paneling. Does it looks fine? Does it work with the rest of the page? Does it tells what it needs to? and so on…
As you see things are getting a little bit complicated for the two. Until NEXT WEDNESDAY.
GREAT Page!! cant wait to see wat happens 🙂
Great to have you back buddy.
Hmm. Animas…. They don’t look friendly XD
ewwwwww COOL!
They look like f hiyenas
You… uh… you got a little, uh, Anima on you…
hmm so the gun was loaded… poor werewolf 🙁 hopefully his friends can avenge his death! grate page leo 🙂
That’s not a werewolf 😛
Is that kind gonna fight off the other Animas with that knife? Because that would be awesome.
If only……
at first i was like
and then i was like
That’s a good page!
But, gore? Roooooh, we’ve all seen worse things I think.^^
All that matters to me is “What about Lunaaaaa?!” :p
i hope for u build also a bit on the main-story
cause this comic is called alpha-luna 😛
Oh dang this is gonna be good.
Makes me think of 13th warrior:
“Don’t worry little brother; there are more.”
Man, if I saw my buddy get blown away by a large man with a shotgun I would NOT be advancing!
“son, you wanna kill more animas?” “F**K YEAH DAD!” XD looking forward 2 the new page.
Awesome pages so far! When’s the next bit is coming out?
I am working on a comic as well any tips hopefully about the art I am learning how to draw anemia… PPLLEEEEEESSS HELP!!!!!!¡!¡!¡?¿
is that yonug boy human or werewolf? O_O
now it rly looks like u kill little boys leo xD
may i say it again?………….yes?……………………………….SHAME U!!!!!
Yo Leo this came up in my head but are animas hiyenas bcous they sound alike
Animas = Killer Were-Cats!! xD
Love your stuff man! 🙂
i would think they are shapeshifting tiger people, since they aren’t weres, and they look sorta like anthro tigers
It’s time to go stabbing hehe
No seriously
By the way look at the boys expression
Him and his “-” look
Animas(weretigers)…Canis Major(werewolves)…now I want to know what’s next! You missed your deadline of Next Wednesday by about 3 weeks now. Still can’t wait to see what the next panel will bring. I hope it comes soon.
keep up the great work leo i love this anime p.s.love the story line i hopr you keep going
Kinda new around here so would someone mind explaining what’s the dif. between werewolves and these animas??
I think the long-and-short of it is animas are douches and werewolves aren’t? XD
Anyway, I think the werewolves are more natural and the animas are some sort of bastardization of human-animal blending; may or may not be the product of science, magic, or both.
Thinking on that, though, I’m reminded of Panthera, which has superpowered teenagers who can transform into big cats with the powers of each element… and were the result of questionable experiments.
Thank you for explaining that. Now I’m less confused than before.
Hey, I’m thirteen and I play call of duty black ops all the time, I kill zombies, I plant claymores, I get random kills, I watch people get rapped by a dog, I watch as a guy screams, holly ):!;$ a grenade is on my head!, I assassinate, press the b button on a guy really fast, I……..
What let me think
Annnndddddd, I well….. Blow people up, I shoot guys ( duh) and I am about to finish middle school in two weeks.
So I think I can see gore, just not to much.
That probably blew his brains out the other end…