Page 36
I wonder who’s that paw from? ;D
I know, no much is happening today, hey they at least walked away from that stair, but things will get tense every minute now. Let’s hope Collie manage to keep herself steady or she may… oh well.
In other news Page 38 available fro Download, and page 37 still available from last week. Go and check it out in the Calendar section (Or under Support> Upcoming Pages).
Well see you soon. A new page will be online next Saturday. Howls!
One… Collie is soo small compared to him haha! Two… I MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT 0.0
Man with the new page I’m kind of scared for Collie.
Not to mention that bonus pic kind of scares me.
If luna is single im looking for a mate. I am just saying even in full wolf form shes cute, love that bushy tail.
I’m putting my bets that the incoming wolf is Fang.
You mean bonus page 38? LOL XD
Great page. Teo is a freaking giant and i cant tilll next page.
Awesome work Leo thanks
I relly think that paw is Luna`s, but something doesn’t feels right
I gotta feeling…uuhuuu…that this paw is Fang’s.
I think there’s a long time since his last appearance (Chapter 3!) and I believe Luna is not ready yet.
That be the one.
hey leo, do you think luna will be herself or will she behave like animal like last time?
p.s. do you think she’ll beat that guy and save her friend?
Luna’s paw!! 🙂
Nice work Mr.Leo! I liked this page 🙂
i think OS to
And would you like to become werewolf what that all about Mr Leo.
I’m gonna go with either Fang or that boy from the woods.
Most likely fang. >.>
I wouldn’t choose but mabye a could become either a stealth soilder (Not like Ghost Recon though) or a Half Human,Half Shark Creature but not Animas However.
@Gabe hilton
Of course he does.DUH!
After finishing 2nd week of classes off good. Now a treat presents itself to me. Yea!!! Good work! I do find Teo a bit tall, 9ft? Curious to see if that sound is Luna or perhaps Fang. We have not seen him since a chapter ago. Lycan Lycan your work since the beginning. :=-)
P.S., I just thought maybe Emilio is going to make his debut.
@Kishio & Wan
Lol Its obviously luna cause that black hair belongs to no one but luna. or maybe a new character… not likely -.- so its Luna.
@Carl Its not Teo, lol read the Authors Comment sometime?
I can’t help but think , will this be an Amuro versus Char type battle or ongoing rivalry?
Can’t wait to see the next page.
Mr Leo i need to know there will alpha luna chapter 5 i just asking.
Redsky: Gundam eh?
Well, fang’s hair is duo colored, it MIGHT be Fang…?
This is too much suspense. Too much! Love it!
But that paw looks like a full wolf paw, unless I’m mistaken…
That Anima’s pretty ripped. No wonder he can pick up Collie so easily.
Maybe it’s ivan.
In the vote section of “would
you like to be a werewolf” theres
the Answer missing “nah i only want ones head
as a Tophy.”
Awesome Webcomic by the Way!
for you
@Amyfan9000 Ivan has blonde/brown(one or the other)hair not black. So its not likely him.
Adolf: Yep ,gundam all the way , but I can’t help but think will this be the char to our amuro?
Lets see how this fight goes. Though persacuting all of them is a must. NO exceptions.