Page 29
So yeah….The Feels! Or so I hope… 🙂
Luna and her mother share a long waited reunion!
Why is this happening? well the ending of chapter 2 may shed some light to this 😉
Is Luna dead? is this the end? All of that to unfold next WEDNESDAY 🙂
Please Share , Howl & Comment !
Sad Luna is sad. =(
That said, such a touching moment between mother and daughter. =)
Well damn, da feels are back…
and as for everyone else, have a wonderful day… or night… idk what you got but yeah.
The feels! Loving the updates 🙂
Looks like things jumped from Harry Potter 3 to 7 part 2, though a werewolf may still tell her to eat some chocolate 🙂
Harry Potter joke aside, I seriously doubt she is dead/will choose to stay dead, also why is her mother naked?
Luna: I see dead p̶e̶o̶p̶l̶e̶ werewolves…
Love the design of the facial paint and gave me some feels to pierce the cold weather. Luna, I’m pretty sure you’re fine since it’s implied that when you die you go nude and you still have your clothes on (No fan service for you.)
I’m sorry
i hope Luna not dead
Leo I think you mean chapter 5 or I need time figure out you’ll your chapter system
First off, yay, regular updates! Second, Luna’s not dead, and she’s going to come back to herself and beat the baddie. I hope. ?
Page 37 up to page 41of chapter 2 (check under archives, atop link)
Thank for that info
Hey @Leo,
Is the fact the mother is not clothed and Luna clothed a symbol of who is dead vs. alive or is it meant for fan service? Sorry if the question offends you, but I am just curious. It seems very much the first option.
If that is your answer then yes 🙂 – Any comic is for you as the reader to construe and some questions can have multiple answers
I could say ” it’s because this is what Luna sees in her mind, how she feels as human and what she was wearing before changing and Luz doesn’t wear anything because of little memories she has of her besides her face” Or it could be how Luz is more of a spiritual character character where Luna is still rooted to our human perceptions… and.. I think you get the idea.
Wow that is deeper symbolism I thought. Thanks
Happy thanksgiving from the USA!!
bro,Leo yo late now
Oh boy. Here we go again with the promising then disappearing for a month
My cat Shiro was hit by a car, It’s been a hell of a week, sorry. Page will be this Friday.
I know the feeling of a pet being hurt. My cat got attacked last summer by a feral.
Keep up the good work Leo. We can wait until you are ready again.
im really sorry to hear that I hope your cat gets well soon