Page 47 and AL Returns!

It’s been a few years huh? Well, let me explain-“What does this mean? How are you still alive? How is that possible? Is the comic returning? Is this real life?”

Well, it’s complicated…

Yes, the comic is returning for the foreseeable months. Meaning Chapter 5 will be done in about 2 months from now…probably. After that, I’m planning to add another chapter that will work as an “Epilogue” to the whole series.

All of that means a total of 5 or so months of work from now up to December. All the While I’ll be posting Two Alpha Luna Chronicles which are being translated for my Patreon where I also post in advance the AL Comic Pages ahead of the website with better resolution.

But yeah, it’s been quite the rough years for so many, including myself who had to take care of RL issues, work, and family. Priorities took my life on a path that couldn’t bring myself back to draw again and mentally I felt exhausted for a long time.

But here we are still kicking and howling! Why? Because as I said before this will be a proper send-off for the series. But then, what? Well… after December I’ll probably be working to publish the last book in my country Chile.

But the good news is that I don’t want to say goodbye to Alpha Luna and be done with it, just like that. I have something special that I’ve been trying to work around the characters for a while now. What it is? Well, I’m sorry to nag you with Patreon again but that is the place where I’ll be sharing the news about this other AL project down the line.

But again, we have a few months to celebrate no? To hang around and especially to talk about Alpha Luna whenever you want or can. I’ve recently been starting to use my Instagram account which I hope work as a better place to receive feedback:

And well Twitter also will have more life from now on at: which will share anything related, pics and news 🙂

But along the way I’ll show you what I’m preparing for the future of Alpha Luna, I’m thinking I’ll probably make a video or something where this interaction becomes more “alive” and real for you guys, for that there is my YT channel:

In any case, I hope you enjoy the Return of Alpha Luna as I work on bringing at least two new pages every month.

Until next time!



5 thoughts on “Page 47 and AL Returns!

  1. This is excellent news! I always loved your portrayal of werewolves, one of my favorite fantasy creatures. Too often, they’re portrayed as mindless monsters or demons. It’s not often they are depicted as noble creatures protecting the world from the true monsters. So I am definitely looking forward to what you have planned in the days, weeks, months, and years ahead!

  2. Hello Leo. I really love the story of Alpha Luna and Beta Colleen. I agree with the other comments attesting that you are one of the few people who portray werewolves differently as majestic beings. I have been looking for months and months for live or animated series and also films based on your representation of the werewolf, but I have not found anything, Of course, you are going to tell me that there are 2 series named “wolfblood” and “Teen Wolf” but for me, it does not represent your vision of the werewolf. There is only one anime series that could come close to it in a certain way, it is: Gargoyles the angels of the night.
    Because I’m in the process of creating a story inspired by yours on certain things, but I’ve had a terrible time advancing my story for over a year and I would have liked to find other sources of inspiration, but like what I said earlier I found absolutely nothing unfortunately.
    Ps: It’s the same message I wrote but in French if you know how to read it.
    Keep it up and good luck.

  3. Bonjour Léo. J’aime beaucoup l’histoire d’Alpha Luna et Beta Colleen. Je suis d’accord avec les autres commentaires attestant que vous êtes l’une des rares personnes à décrire différemment les loups-garous comme des êtres majestueux. Je cherche depuis des mois et des mois des séries live ou animées et aussi des films basés sur votre représentation du loup-garou, mais je n’ai rien trouvé, Bien sûr, vous allez me dire qu’il existe 2 séries nommées “wolfblood” et “Teen Wolf” mais pour moi, ça ne représente pas ta vision du loup-garou. Il n’y a qu’une seule série animée qui pourrait s’en approcher d’une certaine manière, c’est : Gargouilles les anges de la nuit.
    Parce que je suis en train de créer une histoire inspirée de la vôtre sur certaines choses, mais j’ai eu beaucoup de mal à faire avancer mon histoire depuis plus d’un an et j’aurais aimé trouver d’autres sources d’inspiration, mais comme ce que j’ai dit plus tôt je n’ai absolument rien trouvé malheureusement.
    Ps : C’est le même message que j’ai écrit mais en français si vous savez le lire.
    Continue ainsi et bonne chance.

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