Page 5
I’m sorry to inform a close relative has passed away. I’m skipping This Wed updates till Aug 13. I hope you understand. Take care.
I’m sorry to inform a close relative has passed away. I’m skipping This Wed updates till Aug 13. I hope you understand. Take care.
Damn!!! This is turning into a kickass chapter!
Oh man
Atta girl!
Now we’re makin’ progress!!
Oh boy…
kick his sorry demon ass luna
On my birthday to? Fuck yeah. and as always, awesome!
So it begins…
Sorry to hear that
Good luck Leo
u__u I hope all becomes well again for you soon.
I hope you and the rest of your family will be okay and sorry for your loss
New Video added here ABOVE! (Sorry but it’s only Spanish narrated) But you can check it out to see how is the process of a comic page from scratch to finish.
Oh no!
That stinks Leo. We’re here for you take care. <3
Im so sorry for your loss Leo.
Fang just got knock the fuck out!!!!!