Page 4
Short info for people who downloaded this page as a donation. As you may notice it has a few edits (Collie’s hair to be exact), you’ll receive a new email with a free link tomorrow or on Friday. Please bare with me 🙂
Pages 6 & 7 available for Download in Support Section! Those were a pain to do! 😛
In other news I’m in a hurry (I may update this blog later)…..so PLEASE Comment, share! 🙂
Yeahhhh….that demon is still there you know? Hah
I hope Luna gets all mad and totally dominates that demon
Collie – “If only I could help her somehow”
I still hope Collie will become a werewolf too at some point. :p
But I know it’s not in Leo’s plans. ^^
See Issue #4 Extra strip 2
I wonder if collie did become a werewolf what would she look like
I hope Collie will soon turn into a werewolf, because the demon one use his claws to scratch Collie’s right arm, maybe I should join them if that sound better. No worries, I have the power of ice 🙂
Man, it looks like Fang is going to be beaten to a pulp if Luna doesn’t get it together.
Aww I love Collie. She’s so adorable. And personally, I like her as a human.
Haha unless there’some major plot twist and animas are actually infectious which is why there are still so many (if there are many) and Collie becomes one because of the scratch on her arm. DUN DUN DUN!!!! That’d be cool too.
Awesome pages Leo! You’re my lobo hero 😀
Collie is gay for Luna I can see it
XD second to last and last panel basically say