Page 3
So I decided to hold up to this updated to post Blog Updates.
First, a few changes to the Calendar. Next Saturday there won’t be a new page. To keep everything arranged I need to keep at least 1 week between HD pages for people who may donate and public pages. And as much as I tried I couldn’t make 2 pages for download this week, I was a little burnt out to be honest and cold weather isn’t helping to work over night >_>.
So I’ve moved 2 pages for next week …and the week after that 1 page again and so on. That way I hope to keep a balance of what I’m capable to deliver while still keeping the quality of pages intact.
Again, check the calendar to get a better idea. Still there is always a chance I move things again, it depends on many things, life, time, health, etc.
Anyhow, no more words and please comment, share if you like about the story and characters. I’m always pleased to read your thought.
Something tells me that this is not going to end well…
Autobots, roll out again -_-
Your name is not new to me… are you perhaps on Steam or something?
Changing topic I laughed hard at this page xD
P.s. is weight, not wieight… Just correcting for you, Leo.
Sorry about the typo, fixed 🙂
excellent page Leo, I’m really enjoying these, and adding to minor corrections from ItalianWerewolf, Fang should say “you’re joking right?” there is no need for the the not, otherwise it sounds like your cancelling out the sarcasm, just my two cents on the matter. Can’t wait for next page!
hey Leo
I know this webcomic started on July and all, but why does it have to end at August?
can’t you just keep on updating the pages for the rest of the year and next year?
The Comic doesn’t end in August. In the Calendar I just show the dates weeks in advance.
Ha ha, poor Luna. ^^”
You’d think with all the pain she had while growing the tail, that she’d know it was there, though. :p
Ya know why I think I may be a werewolf?
1. I have pointed teeth and ears
2. I’m vary hairy
3. I’m stronger then I look(almost broke my moms ribs once)
4. I have a MASSIVE metabolism
5. when enraged I secretly have fantasy to rip things apart with my bare hands and teeth
PS… I also have a great scene of sight, smell, hearing and reflexes
That sound like a werewolf to you guys? (Leo, do you agree?)
Oh, sorry I kind of got confused when I saw it, so you’ll keep on updating the pages till the end of the year and next year right?
p.s. will there be other monsters beside werewolves?
It’s not surprising that Luna isn’t used to being a werewolf yet. It has only been about a day since her first change, but she’ll have to adapt quickly or else someone will certainly be killed…
Wait how wouldnt she be used to it if she transformed last time and went on a crazy awesome killing spree and after her and her mom got her to normal luna must seriously have a werewolf problem
Uh…guys you did see my earlier comment above?
I’m sure that if you believe you’re a werewolf nobody here is going to try and say otherwise lol…maybe
Awesome work. I’m sure once Fang gets kicked around a bit she’ll decide to have at the demon!
Ladies and gentlemen, that’s your Alpha.
Moon Moon: “Hurr, I forgot how to wolf.”
Luna: “I never knew how from the start…”
Do you transform (or black out) during full moons?
I do feel a little… odd during the full moon.
And recently been having burning sensations and twitching.
FYI I’m turning 18 on the 30th of this month.
@Ethan. get a gopro cam. You could probably make a quick buck selling the footage if you turn on the 30th.
Just focus on your breathing. Helps the pain and to keep your mind in place.
I said my birthday is on the 30th.
Fang’s face is so amusing!
Toasty wolf power all that cinnamon
Cool! At least I know I’m not the only werewolf in here 🙂
Sorry, spelled the name with an accidental “a”… Lol
Luna really needs to watch some movies with werewolves or start learning from Fang.
Most werewolves in movies don’t HAVE tails.
kinda disappoints me.
Fang’s face in the lower panel is priceless!
I think the chapter title alludes to what the rest of the chapter will be about. Luna learning the ways of being a werewolf from Fang and other characters. Developing her prowess.
Licks a random face and whispers: toasty wolf powers so cinnamon
In a way you’re in the right track but it also means something more 🙂 – Sadly it will be fully understandable at the end of this chapter. (page 45+)
18th birthday today!!!
@Ethan Hyde
Happy Birthday!
@Ethan Hyde
Leo, do you mean “sadly” as in something tragic is going to happen by page 45+, or that it is sad that we have to wait until page 45+?
@Fatalerror94: Sadly as in unfortunately we have to wait until then.
Thanks Leo!