Page 22
Things get rough for Luna as the fight continues!
Guys, remember I’ve resumed work at my Patreon Gallery with extra AL content at: https://www.patreon.com/alphaluna Where you will find Collie’s transformation comic plus AL Chronicles and more.
You’re welcome to join in whenever you want.
Next page Next Wed!
Ohhh. That’s got to hurt.
Looking good Leo!! Loving them speed/action lines!
This man… THIS MAN updated TWICE within A WEEK…
*Head explodes*
Nice work Leo. <3
Two pages in two days…What have you done with the real Leo! Just joking around of course bu,t I have to wonder…How in the world do they fight like this and still have perfect diamond cut teeth? Is it the tooth-paste?
Trial by fire
I would love to donate if college didn’t eat up my money like a food eating competition. sorry
That looks like its going to hurt in the morning. great quality pages as usual leo
Damn, lookin intense Leo
Good job!
Holy flip book 2 pages! Bet she’s gonna feel that in the morning, provided everyone survives…
Leo quick question. Have you finish the comic already and are just translating it from Spanish or are you posting it as it goes. Also keep up the great quality work.
I put them as I make them , sometimes I work on them some weeks in advance, no more than 2 pages ahead of public vs the Patreon Gallery.
Thanks for the answer. I will sign up on Patreon when I can afford to. so about a year and a half or two. Your work is great! 🙂