Page 7
And…he’s looking for him*, yup. Why? well, a bird told me that it’s part of a … backstory, what? 😛 Sorry but , still it’s something you can easily figure out. Besides Fang kinda mentioned it back in the beginning of the comic… (C1-p2x). So there is that and the chance that story will be unfold…. but I won’t say more for now 😉
Anyhow, enjoy the page, we’ll see us back again next Saturday.
Wena Leo volviste!
New page 😀 Love it, can’t wait to see what happens next. Keep up the good work 🙂
Oh, to put a bullet ‘twixt their eyes…how satisfying it would be… >=(
Can’t wait to see more, Leo! Keep it up!
I love your comic awsome story can you help me put mines online
@Takim There are sites that offer space for publishing comics online like drunkduck.com , webcomicsnation.com or smackjeeves.com try one of those 🙂
@WarlordMike a Twixt? a what?
Oh man oh man oh man! I hope that anima get’s a blade to da FACE! HA ha! That would be pretty sweet.
Interesting question:
How cool would it be if there were werewolves in a zombie apocalypse?
Wut?@_@ too confused…
Good one! That boy looks tough!
Glad u are back my friend
Oh my gosh you are back. And Luna too. Thank you. I look forward to the continuation of the story.
Awesome job again Leo i can’t wait till the next page comes out 😉
hey weres Sgt has or whats his name
oh yeah good 4 you to be back Leo
“Twixt” is a shortened version of “betwixt.” I suppose I should’ve just said between, but it sounded more poetic. ^_^;;;
If this got truned into a anime I would so watch it mabey the person how did winry rockbell vioce would do lune jonny yong bosch does alex the girl who did orihime english of coures
I forgot to mention collie
Hey Leo, Great work your doing here. I’ve been reading up to this point its been weeks since I read this page, but I was wondering when will the next page be out?
YUSS GET HIM……wait is that……ALEX!!!!!