Page 34
Since last week I had to skip updates due a technical issue after another, first my charger then my graphic tablet. But those things are solved now.
So I decided to move up Saturday ‘s page for today, I hope everyone is ok with that 🙂
Now, I’m not sure if it’s clear or not that Teo shows Collie a resemblance of David with his morphing face, maybe I should’ve changed him more, but I didn’t want to fall into *poof* changes at all.
Now is David dead? Well… maybe I should put that for a pool and you decide :p eh?
Well I see you next Wednesday.
This is so awesome :3 Random question, what brand of tablet do you use? I need to get one because I’ve been drawing with a mouse all this time.
I’m using a Wacom Intuos 3 (Today the Intuos 5 aready exist), but if you’re starting I’d recommend you a Wacom Baboo. Both are good, Bamboo is cheaper but still good enough.
Awesome, thanks!
I can’t stand my mouse x)
I’m the only one in highschool art with out one x3
Your comic is getting better, thanks Leo
Awesome page 😀
I need a Graphics Tablet bad.
Side note, I’m seeing more plugs for Free Born. Cosplay artist Taffeta Darling (met her at Project Comic Con) has posted a promotion pic on her Facebook
I think it’d be interesting to see David become more of a character beside being a standard throwaway bad guy.
Hey Leo, I got an Intuos 3, and I could mail it to you.
It works and all, but it needs a pen.
Can’t wait to see what happens next!
Comic? Awesome as usual! Love the little details/sound effecs with the Anima’s jaws.
Stomp his feline behind, Luna.
As for Tablets…I use a Bamboo Pen and Touch. Works quite well. You can get them for 60-70 bucks or just get the Pen version for 50+. It’s a great starting tablet and is cost efficient by a wiiiiiide margin compared to the Intuos line.
Not that I don’t want an Intuos…or a Citiq. /drool
i say let david live. that was sorta weak death
Then Luna comes- boom!
Wow. Now things are getting creepy.
Talking about tablets, do you guys know if android tablets can be used in digital drawing?
os the chapter 4 almost done on next morth mr leo.
Thanks, I’m considering Bamboo products :3
I really need a tablet. My b-day is soon so hopefully my dad will get me one 😀
My comics would look alot better with one 🙂
Awesome Page. 😀
Where is Ivan?
yaeh where is fang and ivan.
Wooow. He death,right. Pity 😛
Well from what I had seen if that was his soul then he is trully dead. but then again it can be anything.
Noo, He must not die! D:
i cat’t known he dead or alien.
mr leon today tusday wed
mr leon today tusday not wed
I think Teo is transforming into david. If you dont belive me then why has is hair colour changed and his face is getting a different colour and why is the bones in his face snapping?
Woah, @werewolfdude, I think you’re right o.o
His face is receeding… This Teo guy is really getting freaky…
Eh… I’m curious: How does the Anima know that the one that was being called by Collie is who’s he after?
I mean, there can be many people called Luna :v