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First, Downloadable pages through donations will be available tomorrow (Thursday 9), I really don’t want to rush next pages due some time constraints I’ve had these days. Thanks for your understanding, remember to follow me on tiwtter or facebook to know when I’ll put them online.
And so the transformation ends! I couldn’t help it but make another splash page for the final process. In a way I really wanted to improve myself upon the previous tf sequence. I’m not sure if I did, but I tried!
Still I think a next transformations won’t be this exhaustive or long , I really want to bring new things to the table than repeating myself. This wasn’t the case, there was something going on behind Lunas change with Collie’s dilemma and in a way Luna being conscious of what was happening to her made things different.
TF scenes are fun to do, but they are part of the story too. And I really hope those people supporting me through donations and fans of the “tf” keep around through the journey of Luna and what is up to come, say fang, claws, blood and more!
I’m really thankful for all the great readers and supporters I’ve got since I came back! A big thanks to all!
Very nice work leo. Your art is the best
The term sexy beast seems fitting right now π
Awesome job!
Oh boy, luna is going berserk again…
Maybe collie screams will bring her back to conscience
what new pictures you doing next.
Wow! Nice work Leo, love this part.
ok, this was unexpected, maybe, just saying without knowing haw everythig ends but iI feel extremely excited with wath would happen next. Thaks Leo, keep on the good work and good luck
Wauw! Fantastic Mr.Leo. I will waiting next page.
Great page Leo. The art is even more amazing then usual on this page.
Hey I’ve idea make the page in color.
I play with him before I eat him.
(Best impression of Michael Buffer)
Are Animus infectious?
Werewolf Battle! But, when Fang show?
Epic page! The awesomness level incresses from this page by 30%
Luna transformation is cool but now what you working
what new by tomorrow.
You’re not a cat person are you?
Anyhow, great page, love the comic. Great to have regular updates again.
Are you ever going to finish the comics on your other site? Such as Two Howls or Rina’s Night?
oh snap, those are some sharp claws and teeth!
today is Thursday Mr Leo.
I read the answers to my post on the last page and yeah, I do want to see Collie to become an anima.
Leo, do you have anything in your plans about this stuff of Collie’s transformation? Please, let us know!
not good idea.
I love cats, I’ve had a lot of pet cats all my life. Now living in a flat I really miss not being able to have one π
“Two Howls” is not far away to be completed..stay tuned.
About Collie, you should read my previous blog more carefully and you’ll see the answer…
I’ve three cat one boy two girl.
Where’s the little boy? When are we going to see him again?
i just got back from a week of camp. your doing great leo. make sure fang comes in last minute. dramatic effect.
New pages look great Leo. Though I’m a tad curious as to what *spoiler* that power Teo used is, though I’m sure we’ll find out in due time.
Probably next chapter π
Just think about how he got to look “human” in the first place π
i meant to ask earlier, but, does it HAVE to be paypal, or can it be other cards to donate to the site?
I’m forever alone….
You can click on “chek out with paypal” but once in the paypal page there is an option to choose a credit card option: visa, mastercard…
I hope that works for you π
thanks Leo! next time i get some money ill donate!
@Leo your werewolves sure do look badass! How do you do the battle scenes?
I’m Lycan Lycan your artwork very much Leo. AWOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! X=-O)))
Best Werewolf Comic ever.
nice say werewolf battler.
Has anyone seen the remake of Total Recall?
I wish I’ve gone, but everyone thinks I will spazz out like that Gigyas ordeal!
Excellent work Leo, I got all my brothers drooling for her truly wonderful art keep it up my friend:)
Next weeks what do you working on Mr. Leon.
how long new page will be done.
Yeah! When Mr. Leo?
hey Leo when is the next page coming out? it says on the 15TH of august but it’s that day already.
Sis,I am so very proud of you and Becky Me and Mom seen this a year ago when we started with Papa, why does the Wind Blow?.We see BIG tinghs in both you and BB’s future.Live life to the fullest and make sure your healthy enough to keep up with your children because they will take you places that us adults can only dream about ..Love,Mom and Dadio