Page 27
Yeah, Teo is not “human”…. an Anima? heh , well probably the worst kept secret, then again I wasn’t expecting it to be such a big reveal :p but poor Collie, she probably didn’t see this coming 😉
If donors notice some text change in one of the bubbles, well that has to do with some screw up I made while using note of my script from an old source and not the one I was working on, I really hope it doesn’t happen again :/
Anyway, see you soon.
I’m first 🙂
Yes! maybe Collie gets to be a wolf too 🙂
Great, the climax is close, an epic battle awaits
><…nice work….but i feel that his face is a bit ugly…wait to see your nest page….
Y’know, I was wondering why Collie had a wound on her arm in the cover page…
Guess this explains a lot.
Great work Leo, can’t wait for the next page owo
Great work again! I knew Teo would show his Anima form soon or is he a new type of creature? Remember when Luna was tripped in class, turned around and almost hit Teo?
Wait wait wait wait wait wait!!!! David’s not an ANIMA??? O.o’ I… I thought he… and them… and; WHO BOY, I’m gonna need to sit down for this 😛
Oh! And amazing job as always Leo 😀
Luna might come to help her.
Whoa Leo, this comic has more twists then a rollercoaster
for those of you who are surprised, it was obvious Teo was an anima.
Don’t get me wrong. I don’t have a problem to give money to get the pages in advance, but I have one question. Why does the text on the page I got is different from this one?
Sorry about that, just read what I wrote in the main post.
Sorry i hadn’t spoke in a while guys. Family emergency
Leo do you know when that Freeborn movie might be released.
The movie still needs funding to start production.
something random for you waffle fanatics…
I’m just gonna leave this here….
I new he was an Anima already^^ (since I first saw him XD)
Werewolf is abetter term
Uh oh (This is bad…)
As much as luna’s transformation is taking its sweet time, NOW’s a good time for her to save Collie…..
Is Teo a wolf? Somehow he is striking me as more of a cat type here.
Well the transformation is just starting, so it might look like that
I was reading the previous chapters and now I want to know more about Luz and Luna’s mother.
I do too Kishio, I originally thought this story would be short seeing that the plot would wind around Luna meeting with the elder. There is so much more going on since I first read this story, a lot of room to add new ideas. I have been happy with what I have read so far.
Side note, Anima or Werecat is a unique way of calling them that, each artist his/her own. 🙂 Thankfully no Vampires here like in the norm.
Yeah Adolf, you got the point: No Vampires.
And yes, talking about this stuff with the names, it’s like calling the Werewolf Lycans or Therians.
These are just names, the creature is the same.
And finally a story that shows the rivalry between big dogs and big cats.
@Totally not a bot
Yeah, part of me really wants to see Collie pulled into Luna’s world – literally! But that would also remove Collie as the “human factor” which would be bad. Wait, so can Werewolves and Animas infect other people or can they ONLY be born?