Language • Idioma

Page 25

Well I got more than needed so thank you to those interested to participate with me in Alpha Luna, writers and Artists. When I have evidences of what this project is all about I’ll let you know 🙂

Again Page 26 & 27 already available for Donors. Next Saturday won’t have updates but who knows I may drop something to the Bonus gallery :), take care.



29 thoughts on “Page 25

  1. OwO wow that so awesome Leo! And ya know while you were not here I figured out what that guy is^.^ It was fun, but it’s even more fun now that ya have started Alphaluna again*.*(Please people do tell me if I’m not updated here)

  2. And where the hell is my fav chara Fang?^^ (I just love him! And Luna=w= If I would be a good writer I would do a fic of those two)Cause they are the best!(together)

  3. Great work Leo, thanks for everything.
    The story is takin the way i think everybody hopes. The tension kills me

  4. Yeah, I lost my internet connection yesterday, so first thing I did when it came back : donation!

    Pages 26 and 27 are great! ;D

  5. @ Teo : Wrong spelling, it’s TSG, not TGS. Common mistake.

    Anyway, is this spoiler alright?

    Spoilers : there are two pages! :p

  6. (woops, ha ha, confused Leo and Teo… I was SURE that this would happen at one point, with the character of the manga)

  7. @Crescent

    Yep=.= But still lovely page (Fang is lost XD) His the best chara in this story (Who is a boy, my fav girl chara would be Luna^w^) (And btw I’m Finnish girl>w<)

  8. It’s gonna take a whole lot more than karate to get out of the trouble she’s in, of course having two werewolf friends doesn’t hurt.

  9. @Carl

    Originally a Schwarzenegger film based upon a short story, definitely worth checking out. To be fair I haven’t paid too much attention to the remake that’s coming out soon.

  10. @Waffles
    I doubt it that you going to see that movie, you can’t handle Prometheous. So, no. I’m not taking you….

  11. @Leo i agree with Anonymous. Kill Teo. He’sa gay queer faggot motherfucker.

    @Screwitman Fuck u up ur ass u gay queer motherfucker!

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