Page 25
Well I got more than needed so thank you to those interested to participate with me in Alpha Luna, writers and Artists. When I have evidences of what this project is all about I’ll let you know 🙂
Again Page 26 & 27 already available for Donors. Next Saturday won’t have updates but who knows I may drop something to the Bonus gallery :), take care.
Lil ol anima jerk here D-:
This Teo guy looks like areal jerk
i get a Q about the donors than, is it a donason once a week or everytime it updates
OwO wow that so awesome Leo! And ya know while you were not here I figured out what that guy is^.^ It was fun, but it’s even more fun now that ya have started Alphaluna again*.*(Please people do tell me if I’m not updated here)
And where the hell is my fav chara Fang?^^ (I just love him! And Luna=w= If I would be a good writer I would do a fic of those two)Cause they are the best!(together)
Hope Fang or Luna snaps teos neck
Great work Leo, thanks for everything.
The story is takin the way i think everybody hopes. The tension kills me
New pages are great Leo. I look forward to next week.
Darn no Fang in this one T_T but i still loved it Leo
I’ll be wiliing to help your with your project!
Yeah, I lost my internet connection yesterday, so first thing I did when it came back : donation!
Pages 26 and 27 are great! ;D
Fang probably is lost 😉
Thanks! Just don’t spoil to others! XD
@ Teo : Wrong spelling, it’s TSG, not TGS. Common mistake.
Anyway, is this spoiler alright?
Spoilers : there are two pages! :p
(woops, ha ha, confused Leo and Teo… I was SURE that this would happen at one point, with the character of the manga)
Looking good again, Leo.
Yep=.= But still lovely page (Fang is lost XD) His the best chara in this story (Who is a boy, my fav girl chara would be Luna^w^) (And btw I’m Finnish girl>w<)
I hope collie knows karate
It’s gonna take a whole lot more than karate to get out of the trouble she’s in, of course having two werewolf friends doesn’t hurt.
Well thats true.
*Fap* *Fap* *Fap*
Stop yer fapping
*Fap* *Fap* *Trollface*
hell ya
I gonna wait for the next page and hope to see another the remake of Total Recall.
Whats Total Recall
Originally a Schwarzenegger film based upon a short story, definitely worth checking out. To be fair I haven’t paid too much attention to the remake that’s coming out soon.
I doubt it that you going to see that movie, you can’t handle Prometheous. So, no. I’m not taking you….
Kill the big guy. Hes fucking ugly and needs to die. Kill him with fire.
@Leo i agree with Anonymous. Kill Teo. He’sa gay queer faggot motherfucker.
@Screwitman Fuck u up ur ass u gay queer motherfucker!