Yes, chapter 4. Yes, the cover is cheesy as hell and I couldn’t help it, actually I could’ve put Collie on her knees and holding Luna’s leg… that’d been badass xD , I kid. Still it has a vibe of old movie posters, cliche I know but I wanted to give it a shot :P. It’s not the best, actually I got a better idea in the way of doing it but… oh well I still kinda like it.
As I said the page 1 will be available next Wednesday. Until then, howls!
PS: Anyone who finds out a secret “symbol” in the pic may win a free doodle :p
The front covers looks awesome! Can’t wait to see more 😀
Very nice design. The fog effect works well with the mood of the image. I wonder though; is that another werewolf in the silhouette background or one of these other Werecreatures you made mention of back in Issue 1 or 2?
I am looking forward to knowing what will happen. Does Colley become a werewolf? And so on. Very nice design. This would do good as an anime, but that is just me.:=-)
Actually, had you done the one of Collie on her knees holding Luna’s leg, you’d be definitely getting points from Bruce Campbell fans for the Army of Darkness reference.
Amazing!!! I Cant wait to start reading again!
WoW man nice work.
like this very much.
If i look into Colees face i ask me what shes thinkin now 😛
hey will there be the continuation of the fanservice meme????
Is the secret symbol the wolf in the moon?
Is the symbol in the stars?
I can`t wait the time when i see fang in his werewolf mode and if i`m right that thing in picture is an anima and i wold like if fang and Luna wold some day you now what i ment…
sorry my english is relly bad and i now it cos im from finland
I’m going to guess that the symbol is the moon on the tree trunk 🙂 also, it’s great to see the comic up and going again! 😀
oh knows!!!! it looks like collie has a hurt arm!!!!
What else could I say ? ^o^
Weeeellll… I think I see a “:3” emoticon in the stars to the right of the anima’s ears… Is that it?
Why can’t we go back to the old school cheesy stuff? THE CLASSICS WERE THE SHIZ!! XDD
This just me yet if collie became a werewolf or weredog that would be awesome
awesome cover Leo, very nice work.i think the Symbol is on Luna’s left upper leg (the leg closest to the light)
I think Collie is better as a human. Collie being human gives someone that Luna can relate about her old self with, without being stuck in a train of thought of ‘well maybe this whole thing’s just a werewolf thing’, because she has this mindset that segregates werewolf minds and human minds as two completely different things. I mean, sure, she technically can do it with anybody she’s comfortable with, but we kinda all know how good Luna’s friend making skills are…
Err, sorry for doublepost, but I wanted to clarify what I meant about the ‘whole thing’s a werewolf thing’ as being any given topic on any kind of a time Luna might have on mind.
There’s also the fact that Collie<->Luna is the only close bonded portrayal of human-to-werewolf interaction. ‘Cause we also know how great fang thinks of humans XD
Either way, I don’t think the cover’s cheesy. I like it a lot ^^
It looks great, Leo! Dunno why you find it cheesy. I just wonder if these Animas eat tree tops a lot 🙂
Man Luna’s got alot of muscle and blood. Bet she lift sixteen tons.
wow i cannot wait!!!!. im checking the site out every 10 mins to look at the comments!!!. i got luna fever
The cover seems to be a shot of a scene that well into the action. Luna is fully transformed and Collie is badly nicked & scratched up. They are, however, not very far from where Chapter 3 had left them. You can see street lamps and a chain-link fence in the background.
Who and where are their attacker/attackers?
Where is Fang and what is the portent of that ghostly image in the sky with it’s back to us baring it’s teeth?
If you look at the moon in the corner and have a skewed sense of sight(like me) it kinda looks like a werewolf
The symbol is in the moon wate do I get if. I did get it right and good cover dude ps colli would look like a dog
Awesome! I like their poses! =3
I really LOVE your artwork!
I can’t wait 4 the rest!
Luna looks pretty beast, if I were a werewolf, i’d want to look like her!
I agree with Jessica. A Great and Terrible Beauty’ by Libbra Bray is one of the best books I’ve ever read. (I’m 16). it’s actually part of a trglioy. The other ones are Rebel Angels’ and The Sweet Far Thing’. Gemma Doyle (main character) is my hero and I love this series and will recommend it to anyone, I’ve told my friends and they’ve read them and have gotten as addicted as I have. The books are long, but they do not seem that way once you get started.
Wow! Awesome cover and I see what you mean by ‘Old Movie’ thing and that is awesome! Big fan of your work dude.
P.S. is the doodle the shadow in the moon? I can see a wolf howling or the, umm…. the werecat?
I also see a sideways kitty face in the stars like:
OH!!!! XD it’s the luna werewolf moon thing!
I sorta see a bear thing on the moon.