AL Chapter 5 – Page 37
Hey there wolves!
So Luna is again with her mother, this team having this new “hybrid” appearance that I call “anthro” form in the comic. Since last page . I didn’t mention but this is actually the first time she is looking like this. It’s something I’ve always depicted in covers and just pin-ups of Luna, but never in an actual comic page :p – Welp, it took some time. Eh?
What matter now is that Luna finally understand what she is and she is totally ok with that. Feeling the uneasiness of her own persona fade away is a great feeling , “this is who I am and this is what I can do” , for a character who didn’t have memories of her own childhood is an important thing. It’s a feeling that mirrors a bit what I, as the author can relate to. Is funny to think that for many years I questioned my sanity on my own art and thinking to just give up and with that throwing away the identity of who I am as a person. It’s really difficult to reach adulthood and beyond and still don’t feel like you’ve achieved the things you thought you’d had by now, and it’s difficult to say “I’m ok with who I am” when so many people will tell you to be someone else.I think is a good thing to keep your head up and keep moving forward with passion and confidence. Aaand… Welp, anyway… sorry for the derail.
Ok, I’m gonna be honest. I’ve had to move and move the update on the Alpha Luna Chronicles that will be up on the Store very soon. “Luna’s Strength” will be available first, let’s hope tomorrow. If not Monday. The other : “Fang’s Journey” should be available through mid or late October. I’ve decided to make a better cover for that one, thus why I moved it for later.
In term of PAGE UPDATES: Here is the thing. There WILL BE 3 new pages EACH MONTH. Always Patreon receiving the page first and a week later here. And for now Saturdays seems to be the perfect day for
SO: October 13, 20 and 27 (pages 38, 39 and 40) > Public Release Dates
I’ll always be taking the first week of each month off.
That’s all for now! I’ll be making a new post in any case with the release of each Alpha Chronicles on the store. Until then!
Oh and don’t forget to follow me on social networks, I’m finally trying to use Twitter more, follow me there and I’ll thank you for any retweet ^^ Howls!
they are beautyfull
She is so pretty! I’m glad you didn’t give up. ^_^