Page 35
The Site is back and with that I want to thanks to all the people who cared about me and my well being. Big thanks to Takyoji who managed to bring back the site from the dead, without his help this would’ve not been possible. That said the site may not be working 100% and some areas may not be working as intended because we moved from one system to another comic format, this time with wordpress.
Due all this the art here and there may not be up to standards and the mobile version may need some rework, but what is important is that the site and Alpha Luna is alive again! 🙂
In other news Patreon is on hold until I resume my work here again, so don’t despair, I’ve been arting for some time since I’ve been away and AL has been neglected, I know. But soon enough “Beta Collie” will be available for purchases as I promised last year, after that I’ll be resuming works with AL.
So have some patience and we’ll be back rolling and howling again. Thanks to you all and any positive input will be welcome. Thanks wolves 🙂
Good to have you back Leo
Thank goodness, it has been revived!
I am really happy to see AL up again and you back at work 🙂
Thank you to all the people who worked on it.
And its always great seeing you coming back Leo.
nice to see it all fixed again leo good to have you back and keep up the good work
Great to have you back! Been checking in periodically in hope.
and I’ll add my own thanks to Takyoji for helping you resurrect the site.
Take it easy, we can wait as long is needed, your wellness takes priority.
Good to have you back Leo. I’m sure the things you’ve been through have put you through hell for the past year. But all the same good to see you have your site back.
It’s great news to hear! I hope you are doing well.
Im happy to see the site is back I was wonder what had happened for a good while.
Just wondered when will “B at Collie be available to everyone to view. Not really seeing anything on here or your da that has info about it though I do enjoy your w Do. Just wanted to know what happens to it.
Was that Spanish option always there? Or was I just not paying attention? Either way, it’s really nice to have now simply out of pure chance that I’m struggling through Spanish classes now. ¿Gracias por la ayuda involuntaria?
Oh yeah, and it’s really good to see you again. XD
YAY! *Stupidly loyal to comic since page 1* I’m glad to hear things are better (At least I hope that is what you are saying hun!) Loving new page and can’t wait to read more! <3 <3 <3
Hi I am new to the series but I read the first comic book and it was amazing ?????
How splendid to see the site is back up and running. I wondered if another douche hacker got you down again. I am trying to remember from earlier, Luna’s mother is addressing Luna on the wolf inside her soul? That they have to work together to achieve equilibrium? Sorry, I have not read the series in a good few years since following back in 2010.
I just found this comic not too long ago, and I am thoroughly enjoying it. Please keep up the good work!!!!
Why isn’t the next page out yet???
I am so thrilled to see that your work is back!!
When Will you upload the next page
question, when are you going to post Beta Collie? up on here? just wanted to know. love your work btw.
It’s funny because I started reading this today for first time after I saw transformation video on YouTube, and even though I just started today, I love this story. Please keep continuing this comic it’s amazing. Btw it won’t let me go farther than issue 5 pg. 35, is this a glitch or have you just not finished making the next one yet?
when’s page 36 and so on going to come around.
Hey Leonardo, quick question, I heard there might be a spin-off of Alpha Luna revolving around Collie. Is it gonna happen or was it someone’s random idea?