Page 9
A little late again, midnight around here xp. But here I am non the less. Have you played Uncharted 3? So far the better game i’ve tried this year so far, great characters! You can’t but love what happens at every turn in the story, pretty much what I want every reader to feel with any of the characters here, I’m trying 🙂
I’m not sure why but I can’t get speed lines like the ones in the middle pannel on Manga Studio 4, so I have to draw them manually xp. And for some reason when I select the speed lines menu on MS4 I get a japanese menu xp. So, I haven’t used it too much.
Anyway Next page will come on Saturday and on Monday I’ll have something special. Take care!
Too many games, not enough YOUTUBE MONNNAYYY
Apparently his blade exploded. That’s certainly dramatic.
@Uberman5000 ROFLMAO xD
I gotta feeling the nxt page is gonna get a bit bloody…well more bloody
Cool guys don’t look at explosions! They just turn their heads and walk away-hey!
Yeah, I have down the speedlines in MS Debut…
I suck at comic panels, but I really good at planing them…
I have to draw speedlines, too!
Why the interest in Ivan’s knife? Guess we’ll find out…
…after the Animas peels his lips off the trees. XD
Boom!? I wonder where the BOOM came from? I see no grenade in these panels.
I’ve been watching most of Uncharted 3 from a friend of mine. Sick stuff so far, but it still annoys me with the endless slew of enemies that doesn’t want to stop coming (or play fair…I swear they don’t die and they get two or three shots and your dead). At least Nathan comments on this later in the game.
You are a master of suspense have you ever watched fullmetal alchemist
Let’s not go crazy here, Naoki Urasawa is still the Master of Suspense in Manga! Check out his Monster or 20th Century Boys. He can keep you guessing for months.
Anyway awesome page! Look forward to the next page!! I hate to see two charter die this quickly though, I hope they survive!!
considering Ivan’s on the ground pouring out blood i unfortunately don’t think he will survive 🙁
@Takim: FMA is the bomb, especially the revamped anime.
@Leo: This plot keeps getting better and better. mmm… “I smell the blood”. *Hooowls*
The only reson I asked is because one of the scenes in this comic reminded me of fma when winry was kidnapped and when edward was fighting greed I do have to tewatch the series and read the comic from the beging any way keep working on your comic rock hard
It’s Saterday why isn’t a new page up? i guess i’ll have to wait even longer but u have me pathines.
Just give Leo some time im sure he’ll have it soon
I will don’t worry i can wait even if it kills me.
same here