Page 26
A critical moment for Luna… what do you think it will happen?
In other news, wanna see how I made last page? Check out this video 🙂
As usual remember you can always get more at my patreon including Collie’s transformation comic and more!
No Luna!
I feel like a flashback is going to happen soon
Could this possibly be the start of another weird vision which will probably cash some sort of reaction that hurts the anima? Or maybe Fang will just ram the guy before Luna is took far gone.
I know I’ve said it before, but every time I see that breath trick it makes me think of Stephen King’s Sleepwalkers.
Anyway, great page Leo.
*In Clevelandsome voice* no NO NO NO NOOOO!!!
heeeey, thats pretty good
Learning about that cool necklace maybe?
Thanks for the free speed paint Leo. Been struggling to use CPS. It’s pretty cool to see how the pros do it. Also,love the new page! I see you started using tinting and shading for your pages.
If you have the time, please answer this question!
Kind of going off of what @abby1st said…
How DID you learn how to use Clip paint studio Leo? Did someone teach you? Did you look at tutorials and speed paints? What advice would you give to someone who is completely new to digital painting?
Noooooooo! Not my sexy wolfes!
@werewolf fan
If you learn how to use any standard Drawing/art program like photoshop or paint tool sai you’ll know how to use most of CSP (also known as Manga Studio) tools….
Most of these programs works the same at a basic level and for further info then you have to go and research for tutorials on advancing techniques for each program as I did .
If you have zero experience, then start learning the use of layers with basic programs that do their job just fine, like sketch book pro.
I hope that helped you out 🙂
Yes that helps… I thought layers were kind of optional :l. LOL! As you can imagine, you just saved me a world of pain.
I just realised that in my last comment spell check turned cause into cash, wtf spell check
Just looked at that comment and that is the reason why I hate spell check
@Leo is this going to be the last page I would be really happy if can continue the chronicles and see what would happen after the fight of the demon. P.S “I think I may have an imaginary crush on Luna Diaz
@Leo do you have any tips on drawing but without a computer sense of I have a scenario that I want to make my on story but I am just about it being bad and that I don’t have a sketch pad for my computer and I would really like to some of your advices so please by name of anything that is holy I would like to have as much as need thanks for posting your artwork it fills me with determination to make my own book
@Mattew bloodborne
Lol, pretty sure I am in the same boat as you and accepted that long ago when it came to the Luna is perfect conundrum ;). *whispers* I guess it may come down to personal perefence but for me in terms of everything I love about this world, her physical and mental personalities, and her traits both good and bad…*holds up a board displaying a perfect score.* I still feel as if she saw what we said here… worst case is we not have arms to type with. I need my arms….XD
Same boat as you John. And I hope leo’s okay too.
Leo is fine, just focusing on other things at this point and time.
@Cynfall How do you know what Leo is doing?
Because I am on his Patreon and support him there. Which if you also follow he clearly stated that he would not be charging for last month due to his focus on other projects outside his usual content. This, in short, will apply to this month also if he is still focused on those other issues.
Ok. I don’t follow his Patreon but I plan to in the future.
thank you for the news, I thought something happened.
@John what do you like about her that make Intrigued about just by seeing this manga
@Leo can you please answer this question what those on Luna’s wrist have to do with Luna’s real mother Luz.
@Matthew bloodborne
Based on what I’ve seen throughout the story not to mention physical characteristics, she encompasses almost everything I find alluring both in the fictional and realistic.
The necklace around her wrist may represent that she is a direct descendent of that tribal group and different it from others. Notice how the other werewolf boy had it as well.
Leo, I think you should keep the schedule that you have. It works for you and you’ve had that schedule for so long we are all pretty use to it by now 🙂
Leo has a schedule?
Just for anyone needing more werewolf’s (comic) injected in their schedule based lives.
Moonlit Brew
The rest…
(Beginning and gone…)
(hasn’t happened, stayed for the comments)
Seen all!, congrats that’s all I know(ish)
@Parel Manuel thanks for the webcomics bud. :3
May also want to try:
Elderitch (finished)
Strays (finished with epilogue coming)
Paradigm Shift (still hoping it gets finished)
Some of the chapters of Sorcery101 (some chapters focus more on werewolf characters than others)
Or Off White (wolves not werewolves)
There is also a comic called How to be a werewolf, might wanna check that out.
Parel already said that one, lol
I would checkout Bad Moon Rising. Fairly new but has a good story. And a bit of adult humor too
I would just like to say that I am the only one to play luna on akinator.
Funny huh?
I thought I was the only one…*virtual high-five*
*Whoopsh top of the morning to ya-… wait a second…
So while we’re waiting… How is everybody doing?
Still end up checking this at least once a week and still no update 🙁
Now I’m worried about leo, hope he’s okay…
I’m okay Phoxy, thanks for asking!
Atra du evarinya ono varda!
Fucking shit, that’s something crazy, the motherfucker will suffer Luna in her own mind, or will remember that fucking night, keep working Leo, and your job will be sold to Mexico
Phoxy: Happy and sad.
Happy: Got to throat sing as part of volunteering after a group performance. Got the current Radiohead release. Enjoyed the starry sky overhead tonight.
Sad: Even with equal-opportunity in the contract, businesses are full of shit dicking differently-abled (disabled) people out of jobs. I am mad my state is not pro-disability programs unlike other states in Amerika do. Our governor cannot even pass Cannabis trade to even out the budget shortfalls she and cronies are responsible for marring up.
I would love to venture into it, just to piss off old, grumpy, ignoramus Amerika that is holding back on the future progression of society. I am qualified with warehouse certifications and knowledge in horticulture, so I am halfway there.
I am not here to compete, I just hope we all make it.
Postscript: Hello all newcomers and old comers (myself included).
I am making do with what I got in life. Had an internship in warehouse/forklift earlier this year, it was quite a fun experience. Now onto to tricky hiring and waiting. Hope you all are well.
Adolf Mingan
In all honesty I’ve sort of given up on Alpha Luna. I started reading a few years back and quickly caught up, then the update rate (or rather the lack of one) killed it for me. After coming back after what, two years or more, and seeing we’re STILL not past this fight is kind of sad.
Pretty much lost all interest, mate. Sorry.
Now I’m worried, somebody contact Leo soon!
It’s been months, we need him!
Do hurry… :'(
He has been drawing on his stream lately, so I would expect some manner of update soon. Though, up to him of course.
HE HAS A STREAM? WHERE? I NEED TO KNOW!TELL ME! *shakes Cynfall wildly*
He has a Pictaro where he streams on occasion:
Thank you Cynfall
Soooo… While were waiting how is everyone’s day/night going?
Good, how’s surviving the fallout?
Leo have other work to do.
or maybe he is thinking making new chapter 6 and next month my birthday Nov.1.
maybe, if you’re lucky