Page 12
Another week, again another delay. And contrary to what you may think the comic page was ready and waiting to be uploaded but for some reason my ftp permissions were changed and I just couldn’t access to the ftp, not to mention that my laptop is on repair right now so Im working from my old pc and had to transfer a lot of files from my laptopt hard drive.
So it’s been a few days of headaches between my laptop failing and my hosting server acting up.
Thanks for nothing tech support, in the end I solved the problem all by myself and thanks to a good friend.
Anyhow, page 12 is here. Please enjoy and comment. I’m always glad to read your comments.
Special thanks to an especial email I got from John Rohrer which I havent had time to reply, but I love your kind words, hugs!
Also shoutouts To Cynfall who has been a great supporter of my work and to Midnightclub for working hard on his own comic Moonlit Brew (you can find it on deviant art if you google it). Higly recommended for werewolf fans.
Remember you can always subscribe for more content and HD pages at Alpha Luna’s Patreon
Thats all for today. Next page next Wed, I have a lot of work to do this weekend so no Saturday update for a while. take care.
Thank you so much for the shoutout Leo! Sorry to hear about the problems relating to your computer and you not feeling well. I’m glad that you got my message and you don’t have to write/draw back if you don’t want to or if it is to much trouble. I know you are a busy person. Once again great page!
Not trying to implying that I wouldn’t love a response from you 😛
Failing Laptops…the bane of any artist nowadays. Love this week’s page and looking forward to the next. Punctuality not required cuz I have insane amounts of patience XD
Thanks bud, hopefully you get your computer issues fixed soon, always amazing how that kinda stuff happens when you least want it to.
Great job on the page Leo, and best of luck to you with your laptop!