Page 10
The result to cameo contest I did back at the end of August is finally here! Yup, again sorry for the hiatus.
Jorge Luis Rodriguez & Tah Trickster where the winners due their responses and care for why they liked AL in the first place and why they wanted to win. The best written arguments where chosen.
There may be another chance to be part of the story too, for that stay alert to my FB fanpage
In other subject:
ALPHA LUNA is on Patreon.com here:
This means you have a whole new way to support AL, my work and help me to keep the fire alive within myself to keep drawing.
On Patreon you’ll get much more content every week, the exclusive drawing and sketches always will appear on Patron First, from small doodles, to HD pages and werewolves transformation pictures, all in one place. Every week there will be something! Starting at $2 per month.
I’m even adding for the first time preview sketches of upcoming pages that are not finished yet. Only Patreon streamming and maybe the chance for me to draw something for you.
Thanks in advance to anyone interested , Hughs and hows for all of you.
Now if you’re only focused on werewolf art and transformations (with some adult stuff) you may want to wait a bit for that because I’m working on the loboleo stuff for March.
In other news:
PAGE 11 HD is already available for Download under the Calendar Page (also available in Patreon)
Howls! and please comment on the story too 🙂
so page 11… yeah that got a little creepy
I was not expecting this page XD. Awesome work btw!
Why creppy? xp
Well, the most complaining I’ve heard via digital effects vs practical effects in terms of a trilogy would have to be the Star Wars Prequels against the original Star Wars trilogy. Perhaps that is what they are referring to ^^
And yeah….that would get my attention.
I think it’s the Hobbit Trilogy those two are talking about. right?
Because Avatar was post-Star Wars prequels.
Yeah, I was also wondering which trilogy they were referring to, because Avatar did not really get a previous trilogy. 😛
Great work though. For a moment I thought “owh, new meaningful characters !”. ^^
Wooo! Another page! You taunt me so.
I don’t think it’s the Hobbit, because the previous LotR trilogy was largely digital effects too.
The only thing I can think post Avatar is the recent Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movie, since the previous live-action TMNT movies (which were technically a trilogy) used all practical effects.
She says “…used MORE practical effect…” not, only. So, yes, It could be The Hobbit 😉
It could also the future! And they are talking about SW Episode 7 ! 😛
Am looking forward to Episode 7. Though, I’m sure Abrams will more then use his fair share of digital effects as well as practical, but that’s more then you can say for the prequels. Should be a good night!
Hey Loe, do you think that you could turn this into an Anime?
To build on Joe’s question; if You could, and wanted to make Alpha Luna into an Anime, which studio would You pick to handle the project?
Great to have you back Leo. That’s one heck of a hiatus and I thought you are giving up on this comic. Anyway, keep going
Where is Wednesdays update?
Maybe Loe lost his password again?