I know I should have a lot to say but the truth is that the opposite. Not much have changed since I’ve been away and much of my goals have remain mostly the same.
That said…yes I’m kinda of a screwed person when it comes to scheduling and being responsible with you, the people who love AL so much to still coming around after months of waiting and wondering.And I’m afraid to say the words ‘Im sorry’ because they may sound very empty after all this time, but those are the only words I truly have.
I just wan to move forward and this time at least be open to any situation that comes in the way so you can rest assure what is going on.
Chapter 5 won’t being for another 2 weeks at least, the HD pages will make a return and people will be able to donate for High quality version of each page at least 1 week in advance.
The Calendar needs to be updated (Don’t pay attention to the October thing) and once it says “2014 Calendar” in the title you’ll know things are moving forward.
I’ll let you know more when I have more in my hands. Until then, remember you can always join at the social links , FB & Twiitter pages to be up to date with Luna. Thanks againl and howls!
Welcome back Leo, we missed you.
Welcome Back ^^ we all waiting ^^
AH… The grate hunter returns with his latest kill!
Good to have you back Leo!
I see your pen has stayed sharp. π
Handsome work. Glad to see you’re still drawing.
The wait is over. Awesome!
Saw you working on this last night. Was fun to watch. Welcome back.
Good to see you drawing again Leo! Take all the time you need with Alpha Luna!
I am happy to see one of my favorite comic back in action. =)
Every time Leo goes on hiatus, after 6 months or so, I end-up thinking he’s gone for good, and then, wham : an update. ^^”
nice to have you back leo your work is a welcome sight
nice to see you again Leo, hopefully this will be the beginning of another gripping chapter, I look forward to it.
Good to see you drawing our favorite werewolf again leo welcome back.
What went through my mind when I saw a new page went up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3GwjfUFyY6M
Celebration indeed >^__^<
Glad to see you are still among the living (again) lol. Hope you have been fairing well Leo.
Hello Leo, I’m glad to see you’re back, I became a fan at about October last year and never got to tell you while you were active how much I enjoyed your comic, and that yours was the first online series I’d ever read and the reason why I read them now, so thank you for making such an awesome comic and I’m so glad to see you’re back!! Can’t wait to see what you come up with!!
My favorite artist returns! Great to have you back π
Heyo! Leo is alive once again!
Always loved how the werewolves are drawn. They balance feral and intelligent, fluff and muscle… They also manage to look threatening without being ugly, a trait that some werewolf depictions really miss the mark on.
Always like to return here when the occasion calls for it!
Welcome back, Leo! Hopefully this time you got it in you to continue your story. I see your art has not suffered at all, you got it hombre. Take time to rest when it feels rushed.
Anonfox123: You betcha! I approve of these werewolves. π
yay your back!
Thanks to everybody who commented and who still like the comic enough to come back π A big how to all of you!
WOot your back!
As in visually? Oooooowh neat! Can’t wait to see that. π
Great to see you back Leo. π
he leo ist awsome nice to have you back
Nice to see a return.
Oh my gosh the art looks even better than before! Bravo!
If there was anything I could gripe about with you and your works is the exact reason you feel you need to apologize; just try to stay in touch. I think it gets some of us urked or crazy worried when you suddenly disappear without an real explanation.
Other than that; until the day you officially announce you are quitting the comic and/or art completely, you will always have fans and friends waiting for you (hopefully patiently) and wishing you well.
As stated, pretty sure everyone is more then willing to wait, just keep your followers in the general loop as to what is going on and all will be right as rain. Other then that, looks terrific and can’t wait to see what you do next with this wonderful story.
Aah Fang =w=
when Leo make comic on make me want to read them
Good to see you again Leo! π I really enjoy reading this comic. Please don’t be gone for a while again.
Yay you’re okay!
This cover look great! I’m just getting into coloring my work I’m excited.
Praise you Lord to hear from you! I’ve just kept on wondering where you’ve been. I prayed that you were at least still around. My goodness, a lot has seriously been occurring and happening since your absence on the latest chapter back in October of 2013. It’s not even funny. I understand though. Living is different each and everyday with so many different things. I found you again on Facebook. I am glad that I am still alive to see yet another chapter begin from the original artist. It’s getting old for me sometimes just speculating on what’s going to happen next especially to an unfinished series. Keep it up please. I really don’t want to move on too much. I want to still GOD BE WILLING be alive to see this series end along with Attack on Titan and Naruto. Your website has been saved in my notes for more than six months just waiting for this new chapter. I’ve been doing other things yes however it’s great to see it continue again. Praise you Jesus that you’re up and running again! Two summers ago in 2012 I discovered you and I was seriously hooked. Please oh please continue your work! A lot is going to happen again but it’s another whole new journey everytime.
Do you sell any merchandise online? If so, can I get a website? The thing is, I have never seen any of your hard copy work at my local book stores. Are your volumes only online? I want to seriously know.
Leo’s back! Cover looks awesome! Can’t wait for chapter 5!
More transformations in chapter five?
do we get to see the outcome of the young cub who just found he too is a wolf?
You back !
This is the best week ever ^^
Nice cover, I can’t wait to view the first page of this new chapter
After a long hiatus of not checking the website, I’m glad and pleasantly surprised to see some stunning cover art for the next chapter! Anxiously awaiting continuation π
Thanks to all the comments guys π
omg I love furrys *-*
Leo, keep up the amazing work. You have a lot of heart and soul in your work. Take care.
I think the big question is what happens in the fight that was about to start and what are anima and demons
Please Leo don’t go away, AGAIN! (at least without tellin us)
Remember, Leo said that this will start on OCTOBER 5TH. So yes, a bit of waiting is involved.
@Info bringer
No, that is not the correct date. I’ll just need about 2 weeks.
take as much time as you need leo you are the creator of this comic so you can do whatever you want to do
2 week i wait for that
Good to have you back, Leo. Awesome artwork as we’ve come to expect from you. Looking forward to the next chapter. Take care.
I knew he’d come back c:
hey guys when Leo put in new page of Alpha Luna on Wed or Sat i think first howl part 1 will on wed.
haha sorry guys I was wrong
I don’t bring the info anymore
Good to see you back, dude! Just happy to know you’re doing okay! We’re still with you, man! π
π yay
I think this should be an animated series with permission from the creator of “attack on titan” on cartoonetwork’s adult swim on toonami.
Trust me, it’ll be a hit.
Ahhh Attack on Titan…so good, love that show
@ Ethan
Why would it need permission from the maker of attack on titan (my brother keeps saying it should be called attack of the titans)
Would make an epic TV series, as long as it doesn’t turn out like twilight
Well, because its a popular show and I want alphaluna to get its on craz too.
maybe if could happen but i like to say this GO ANIME LOL.
I was still right about collie being a werewolf…
(posted that comment over a year ago)
who knows what leo is going to do Mr.Hyde
Leo, I enjoyed the new pages.
Thank you Quint! I really appreciate it!! π
Please call me Ethan so you wont reference jekyll’s dark persona.
BTW Leo, do you plan on making you comic into an animated series.
You could be the next akria toyama.
I can see it saying “Based on the graphic novel by leonardo vadel.”
The least you could do for not being on for a long ass time is make a detailed transformation of her feet. Like how it shifts and hair grows out.