Page 48
And so we end another chapter in Luna’s story!
And as usual we’ll have a break on the story updates until the new chapter arrives.
Things I’ll do in the meantime: write the story, work on the web-site adding stuff for donators including all HD pages from this chapter and possible previous ones .
Then, work on chapter 5 cover among a few other things. So yes, the break is needed for me to continue in the best shape possible.
-Estimated date of return: October 2 (Chapter 5 Cover)
– Page 01? Possible: October 9.
Still, between now and then I’ll be adding some pics, so the site will be coming with new stuff as long as I can.
And remember to like Luna’s site at FB Here so you get news whenever I’m updating the site! Which btw is pretty close to get 1k likes!
If you’ve liked what I’ve done so far, you can always help by sharing what I do, FB, twitter anything help.
Again, thanks for making this possible by just commenting and giving feedback to my work. Thank you and howls!
Excellent page Leo. I’ll be looking forward to Luna’s return in October.
Best way to come home from a long day of work! Thank you so much!
Thank you guys 🙂
Leo, awesome page and I hope all is well. Take care and keep up the amazing work.
Wow!!! You did it again, Leo. Take the time to organize your ideas into a sphere you can tap into as you go along. Until then, may the art keep flowing within you and see you in October. *Howls*
Hah! Called it. Take care, Leo. See you in October for more wolfie goodness. “Howls.”
wait a minute, I thought azar was an anima or is this some kind ultimate form that only the most powerful animas an conger, and why is he labeled a demon in this last page of this chapter?
Remember Azar said he was an “anima elite” something more, beyond others from his own race.
Now we know some Animas can become Demons and who knows …maybe other races.
so your saying that azar is some sort of ancient anima that can become demon at anytime?
Holly #$%#@, updates! 🙂
Great page.
Leo let me ask you something. Are you still doing that character contest thing or what?
Now I’m wondering…
Is it possible for Lycans to become demons as well?
updates! 😀 finally 🙂
almost forgot about this, happy that I didn’t
Omg just like Dragon Ball Z they always let their enemies power up :/ should have attacked him when he couldnt fight back.
Well, I say, I found this by accident and I like what I see, I guess I will stay on board and you got yourself a new reader.
Wow, you don’t even know if demons will be a different race?
Quick, call an exorcist.
….A demon? Really?
How the hell are they supposed to fight a demon? Those are the soldiers of hell!
Holy cow…I wish I discovered this manga sooner!
Two thumbs way up Mr.Leo and I can’t wait for the next chapter.
This… isnt even my final form!
HE’S A WHAT!!!!! OMG HE’S A DEMON kkkeeewwwlll